
About Us

Patrick Schuster.....Once I discovered the the  importance and symbiotic relationship of college and pro football when watching my first NFL Draft in 1984 when I was twelve all other sports took a back burner to the great game of football. Started footballdialogue in 2006 as a platform for any football player to get a chance to have fans learn more about him.   It is my belief that too often the top five percent get ninety five percent of the exposure leading up to the draft even though half those guys often end up being a bust.   I created this platform to have all players have equal chance to have their stories heard by the die hard football fans in the country before the players find a spot on an NFL roster.

Since creating this site I have met some of the most passionate football fans in the country who share their expertise and thoughts on the world of football on the site.

If you are interested in being interviewed for the site or contributing feel free to send me at email at


John Bart...I always enjoyed sports.  I loved the competition, the excitement, the physical pain, and the emotional anguish.  The one sport I enjoyed the most is football.  The NFL is so exciting to me, watching great athletes, with great stories, trying to win.  I always kind of enjoyed the underdog.  This site will have players who are not household names, and articles on teams who are not the most popular.  We want to cover as much as the NFL as we can.
As a graduate of Penn State University, I saw my fair share of college games, as both as a student, and adult.  The raw emotion of young people is great.  Having the connection to a college, also enhances the NFL experience as well. Football is a year round sport, you have to stay connected. I subscribed to Direct TV Sunday's Ticket for many years, participate in multiple fantasy football leagues, and try to get out to an NFL game.  With this experience as well as watching college football and the combine, I try to provide insight and intriguing topics.
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